Francis Financial's 15th Anniversary - J'adore Andy Corporate Photo Booth NYC

Thanks for attending Francis Financial Celebrates 15 Years at Doing/Living Marketplace in NYC!


Visit Francis Financial to access their whitepaper "Unveiling the Unspoken Truth" and to subscribe to their iTunes podcast "Financially Ever After." 

We provided a photo booth rental in Midtown Manhattan with unlimited 4 x 6 prints for the anniversary party. Included was a social media sharing kiosk with email and texting for guests as well as uploaded the final images to our hosted online gallery with free downloads. 

Planning your next event? We've already done the work for you...

Vendor Credits:
Venue: Doing/Living Marketplace 
Massage: FaceLove
Decor: Luludi Living Art
Sushi: Hakata Grill
Chocolates: Jessie's Nutty Cups & Tache Artisan Chocolate
Photobooth: J'adore Andy
Host: Francis Financial